Monday 3 December 2012

Saturday's Quilting Workshop - Folded Star *

Friday I started cutting fabric for the workshop Saturday morning... I couldn't wait until the morning... so I ended up making one to take in the morning... and made another one Saturday morning, there will be more photos to come!

These are my pieces all cut and pressed.   16-  3" x  4" piece of the 4 different fabrics

All 64 pieces sewn on the backing piece

The folded star,  just needing to be trimmed.. Saturday morning I made another one.. 

More Weaving - The Whole Cloth Experience*

These are some photos from last Thursday's Whole Cloth class. We took our scarves off the looms and finished the fringes and decided on our method of finishing

This is my finished scarf from last week!!!

This is the pattern of the next one!!

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